Step 1:- Create PrimaryData table
Create table PrimaryData
RollNo varchar(50) constraint pk_prim primary key,
StudentName varchar(50) not null ,
StudentMob varchar(10) constraint un_prim unique(StudentMob),
StudentHomNo varchar(10) null,
StudentAge int constraint ck_prim check(StudentAge between 3 and 25),
InsDtTime datetime default(getdate())
Step 2:- Create ForeignData table
Create table ForeignData
RollNo varchar(50) constraint fk_fore references PrimaryData(RollNo),
Standard varchar(10) not null,
Address varchar(250) null
a. The
PRIMARY KEY constraint uniquely identifies each record in a database table.
b. A primary
key column cannot contain NULL values.
c. Table can
have only ONE primary key
Step 1:- Insert NULL value in Primary Key column
Insert into PrimaryData (RollNo,StudentName,StudentMob,StudentHomNo,StudentAge)
Values (NULL, ‘Deepak
1. ‘RollNo’
column does not accept 'NULL' value.
2. ‘RollNo’
column is assign ‘PRIMARY KEY' constraint.
Step 2:- Insert Record
Insert into PrimaryData (RollNo,StudentName,StudentMob,StudentHomNo,StudentAge)
Values ('1','Deepak Panchal','9876543210','28888888','3')
Record Insert Successfully
/* NOT NULL */
a. The NOT
NULL constraint enforces a column to NOT accept NULL values.
b. The NOT
NULL constraint enforces a field to always contain a value.
Step 1:- Insert NULL value in NOT NULL column
Insert into PrimaryData (RollNo,StudentMob,StudentHomNo,StudentAge)
Values ('2','NULL','29999999','3')
1. StudentName is assign 'not null' constraint that why it’s not accept null value
a. The
UNIQUE constraint uniquely identifies each record in a table.
constraint column at least contain one NULL values.
c. Table can
have many UNIQUE constraints per table.
Step 1:- Insert NULL value in NOT NULL column
Insert into PrimaryData (RollNo,StudentName,StudentMob,StudentHomNo,StudentAge)
Values ('2','Rahul Morya','9876543210','29999999','3')
1. ‘StudentMob’
column '9876543210' already exist in the table
2. ‘StudentMob’
column is assign ‘unique’ constraint that why each record is unique in each
Step 2:- Insert NULL value in UNIQUE KEY Column
Insert into PrimaryData (RollNo,StudentName,StudentMob,StudentHomNo,StudentAge)
Values ('2','Rahul Morya', NULL,'29999999','3')
Record Insert Successfully
Step 3:- Again Insert NULL value in UNIQUE KEY Column
Insert into PrimaryData (RollNo,StudentName,StudentMob,StudentHomNo,StudentAge)
Values ('3','Jaya Gala', NULL,'27777777','4')
1. ‘StudentMob’
column 'NULL' already exist in the table
KEY constraint accepts only one 'NULL' value in ‘StudentMob’ column.
Step 4:- Insert Record
Insert into PrimaryData (RollNo,StudentName,StudentMob,StudentAge)
Values ('3','Jaya Gala','8866445566','4')
Record Insert Successfully
/* CHECK */
a. The CHECK
constraint is used to limit the value range that can be placed in a column.
b. If you
define a CHECK constraint on a single column it allows only certain values for
this column.
Step 1:- Insert Student Age Not between 3 and 25
Insert into PrimaryData (RollNo,StudentName,StudentMob,StudentHomNo,StudentAge)
Values ('4','Sapna Desai','8898698699','32654455','26')
1. ‘StudentAge’
column accept only age between 3 and 25.
2. ‘StudentAge’
column is assign 'CHECK' constraint.
Step 2:- Insert Record
Insert into PrimaryData (RollNo,StudentName,StudentMob,StudentHomNo,StudentAge)
Values ('4','Sapna Desai','8898698699','32654455','5')
Record Insert Successfully
Step 1:- Insert Duplicate record in Primary key column
Insert into PrimaryData (RollNo,StudentName,StudentMob,StudentHomNo,StudentAge)
Values ('4','Sujit Tyagi','8888888888','36565654','5')
1. ‘RollNo’
column accept only unique value that is identical in each row.
2. ‘RollNo’
column is assign ‘PRIMARY KEY' constraint.
Step 1:- Insert record in ForeignData table which is not in
PrimaryData table
Insert into ForeignData (RollNo,Standard,Address)
Values ('5','jr kg','Malad East')
1. ‘RollNo’
column accept only those 'RollNo' that is in 'PrimaryData' table 'RollNo'
2. 'RollNo’
column is assign ‘FOREIGN KEY' constraint.
Step 2:- Insert Record
Insert into ForeignData (RollNo,Standard,Address)
Values ('1','jr kg','Malad East')
Record Insert Successfully
Step 3:- Insert Record
Insert into ForeignData (RollNo,Standard,Address)
Values ('2','jr kg','Malad East')
Record Insert Successfully
Step 4:- Insert Record
Insert into ForeignData (RollNo,Standard,Address)
Values ('4','1st','Malad East')
Record Insert Successfully
Step 5:- Insert Record
Insert into ForeignData (RollNo,Standard,Address)
Values ('4','1st','Malad East')
Record Insert Successfully
In ForeignData table you can insert a duplicate value but that
value must exists in PrimaryData table
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